Friday, August 10, 2007

Summertime and everything's groovy.

Wisconsin is beautiful in the summer and Milwaukee keeps reminding me why my blood pressure and pulse is a full 15% lower (fact) when i am in the midwest. Lots of green, lots of mellow people, lots of whole foods for cheap, lots of Spotted Cow. Wednesday night I got the chance to play alongside Jordan aka DJ MadHatter aka Mr. Marsh. What started as a night of people asking for 'Wipe Me Down" and "Buy You A Drank" ended up as a hilarious after school special involving several people (thanks for getting it started Angelus) getting American Idol on the mic whil I ran instrumentals of every hip hop hit in the last 20 years. Ended the night with Captain Ahab to the delight of a few. Thursday I was invited to the smoke filled basement feeling bar V-Bar (complete with basement bathroom and no smoke eater, but two fans pushing the smoke deeper into your lungs). Why-B and D-On popped it off (literally, with the over the top pop) and I opened the mic back up (big up to Angelus and Burns and a few others for getting stupid).
Friday brought Anonymous to town for a night that included a pre show BBQ with Chuck Le Fuk (geriatric DJ cummunity liason), JuiceBoxxx(teenage sensation) and Dong (1998 Shepard Express Club DJ of the Year....holler!). A great night of fun and music in the ample and ready Artbar. Chuck opened, I played booty DJ, Josh rocked it 4/4 house style then dropped the amen jungle, then my sister and bro-in-law did their 'Haz-mat Hippie' performance, and I played new songs that I composed recently.

Wisconsin still holds on to my heart. I love the open space, the smells (yeast on I-94) and the folks.

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